About Me

Currently, I am a Software Engineer for Liberty Mutual Insurance.

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest exposed me to a lot of what technology has to offer. Having a father in Mechanical Engineering at Boeing and an uncle doing the same at Microsoft and now Meta, I knew early on that I wanted to something in the technical field. It wasn't until 2016 when my best friend's brother and I were chatting when I realized that maybe I can code too.

I entered College at Brigham Young University - Idaho and began my major in Software Engineering. My program exposed me to C++ and the basics of Software Development. After a couple semesters I was able to be exposed to Web Development. After an internship with a small company called allucent where I was exposed to the Vue.js JavaScript Library, I continued work in the IT field looking for my entrance into the professional programming work field. That was when, in the tail-end of 2021, I found Leisure Time Inc. I spent around a year and half there doing Full Stack Development and managing their Marketing Team before getting an offer at Liberty Mutual.