Work Experience

Software Engineer - Liberty Mutual Insurance

Feb. 2023 - Present

  • Performed Frontend Maintanence and added features using React.js to the Modeling Data File Share system to improve User Experience.
  • Involved with SQL Server Management for the MDFS and Disaster Prediction Software in the Global Finance Technology Department.
  • Set up, maintained, and deallocated Virtual Machines with Cortex.

Lead Full Stack Developer - Leisure Time Inc.

Feb. 2022 - Feb. 2023

  • Managed a Marketing & Development Team of seven
  • Facilitated the addition of features to the internal Administration site and Customer portal built in React.js
  • Executed the successful planning and deployment of a brand-new eCommerce site using Next.js, Shopify, and
  • Drove the eCommerce site to grow and increase sales by 20%
  • Supervised the reconstruction of the eCommerce site in Remix.js to improve SEO
  • Conducted weekly team meetings and quarterly 1-on-1s with every member of my team

Full Stack Developer - Leisure Time Inc.

Nov. 2022 - Feb. 2022

  • Developed new Web Applications for Leisure Time Inc. using React.js, Next.js, and Firebase
  • Built and Deployed features for both the Main Site and Shop Site using Netlify
  • Maintained code for four separate websites and two npm libraries used both internally and externally for Leisure Time Inc
  • Supervised a team of two developers in developing and maintaining eight new features for two of the managed sites

Full Stack Development Intern - allucent

Apr. 2022 - Oct. 2022

  • Developed easier-to-access customer service and training with Vue.js and Konva.js
  • Introduced a dynamic table of Training Tips that can be used by company admins using Vue.js, Firebase, and Tailwind.css
  • Coordinated weekly status report updates and showcases on work done throughout each week