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Free Online Learning Resources


The field of Software Development and Programming can be daunting if you're first trying to get into it. There are so many places you can go and so many different things you can do! In this post I'll be going over 6 possible career paths you may be interested in and several free resources you can use to get started with learning. There are many more places you can go online to learn other than the ones covered here. For example, don't rule out YouTube! There are tons of long-form videos on there made by great teachers. Also, Universities like Harvard, Stanford, and MIT offer a number of Computer Science related courses 100% online, and 100% free!

If you are looking for learning with a bit more guidance and instruction other than a video that just talks to you and shows you, then this list will hopefully help you find the right place for your learning needs.

Web Development

  1. FreeCodeCamp - FreeCodeCamp is a popular platform that offers a wide range of web development courses, from HTML and CSS to full-stack development. The platform offers a series of challenges and projects that help learners build practical skills.
  2. The Odin Project - The Odin Project is an open-source curriculum for learning web development. The curriculum is entirely self-paced, and it covers everything from basic HTML and CSS to more advanced topics like databases and web frameworks.
  3. Codecademy - Codecademy is a well-known platform that offers free and paid coding courses. It offers a variety of web development courses, from front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Python, Ruby, and SQL.

Embedded Systems

  1. Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C - This is a free online course offered by the University of Texas at Austin. The course covers the basics of embedded systems programming with ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers using assembly language and C.
  2. Embedded Systems 101 - This is a free online course offered by the University of Colorado Boulder. The course covers the fundamentals of embedded systems, including hardware and software components, and provides hands-on experience in programming microcontrollers.
  3. Embedded Systems - Shape the World - This is a free online course offered by the University of Texas at Austin. The course covers the basics of embedded systems programming using microcontrollers, and it provides hands-on experience with the MSP432 microcontroller.

Quality Assurance

  1. The Ministry of Testing - This is a community-driven platform that provides a wide range of free software testing resources, including online courses, webinars, podcasts, and articles. The platform also hosts a vibrant community of testers, where you can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other testing professionals.
  2. Guru99 - Guru99 is a free online resource that offers a wide range of software testing tutorials and courses, including manual testing, automation testing, performance testing, and more. They have a comprehensive "Software Testing" tutorial that covers various testing concepts and techniques, including Agile software development and quality assurance.
  3. Software Testing and Automation - This is a free online course offered by University of Minnesota. The course covers the basics of software testing and automation, including theory, techniques, and tools to effectively test software.

Mobile App Development

  1. Android Basics - This is a free online course offered by Google. The course covers the basics of mobile app development with Android, including UI design, database management, and networking.
  2. iOS App Development with Swift - This is a free online course offered by the University of Toronto. The course covers the basics of mobile app development with iOS, including Swift programming language, Xcode development environment, and app design principles.
  3. React Native Express - React Native Express is a free online guide that offers a concise introduction to React Native development. It covers the fundamental concepts of React Native and provides code snippets and examples that you can use to build your own mobile apps. The guide is designed to be beginner-friendly and is perfect for those who want to learn React Native quickly and easily.

Data Science

  1. Data Science for Machine Learning - This is a free online course offered by Microsoft. The course covers the basics of data science and its use in machine learning.
  2. Introduction to Data Science in Python - This is a free online course offered by University of Michigan. The course covers the basics of data science in Python, including data manipulation, data visualization, and statistical analysis.
  3. Applied Data Science with Python - This is another free online course offered by the University of Michigan. The course covers the basics of data science with Python, including data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning.


  1. Introduction to DevOps - This is a free online course offered by Udacity. The course covers the basics of DevOps, including continuous integration, continuous deployment, and infrastructure as code.
  2. Getting Started with DevOps - This is an online learning path offered by LinkedIn Learning. This learning path provides an overview of DevOps and the key components of the DevOps methodology. Start with your Free Month to get started.
  3. DevOps Roadmap - The DevOps Roadmap is a free online resource that offers a comprehensive guide to DevOps for beginners. It covers the key concepts and tools used in DevOps, including continuous integration and delivery, containerization, and automation. The guide also provides a step-by-step roadmap that you can use to learn and implement DevOps practices in your organization.

In conclusion, there are plenty of free online resources available for those interested in various software development fields. By taking advantage of these resources, you can improve your skills and knowledge in areas like web development, embedded systems, quality assurance, mobile app development, data science, and DevOps. Whether you're looking to learn a new skill or improve an existing one, these resources can help you get started. So why not take the first step today and start exploring the world of free online learning?